Fashion Pass: History, Information, Wiki, Unknown Facts

Fashion Pass

Fashion is ever evolving, and with the help of various resources, we have witnessed several ways how fashion has changed throughout the years. While the ancient times had particular fashion trends of their own, we have also come across those of earlier centuries (Fashion Pass).

Fashion in recent times has changed a lot. Although a lot of the earlier fashion elements are making a comeback, there have been a lot of new things going around.

Renting Clothes vs Buying Clothes: Fashion Pass

Normally, when we are in need of new clothes or in need of a new outfit for any occasion, we go to our favourite clothing store to get them. When you are buying clothes, not only do end up spending a lot of money, those clothes stay with you until they wear out or you donate them. While donating clothes is very ethical and should be done more often than throwing them away, clothes that you are buying will stay in your closet for a long period of time.

Nowadays, considering how we are able to rent so many different things like vehicles, movies, books and even furniture, we can now also rent clothes. Renting clothes can be an efficient way to find something nice to wear for an event, without facing the commitment of buying it. While you obviously do have to pay a price for that too, at least you won’t have to keep that garment with you forever. Another plus side of renting fashion is that, you can try various styles and brands, and even subscribe for clothing rental services.

Fashion Pass: Info

Fashion Pass is an online clothing rental service for women. It was founded by Brittany Johnson, who came up with the idea when she tried renting clothes for parties from rental services, but was not able to find the right style or price. Fashion Pass came into existence after she got tired of looking for alternatives, and decided to come up with her own.

Fashion Pass Services:

Famous Fashion Pass was established in 2016. It is a clothing rental service for women, that allows them to rent unlimited clothing and accessories for a certain flat price per month. They have different subscription plans for certain quantities of items allotted under that plan. They also cater to different occasions, as well as different categories, so you can easily find something that suits your style.

How It Works:

It is easy to understand how Fashion Pass work:

  • First, you will need to choose a subscription plan that suits your needs and budget. Under each plan, a certain number of clothing and accessories are allotted, and that way you can order as many times are you want under that plan.
  • You can easily choose your items according to your needs or liking. There are a variety of items to choose from, and you can also talk to their stylist for better recommendations.
Fashion Pass
Class and fame of Fashion Pass
  • Once they receive the items that you had sent back, you can immediately order for a new set of clothing and accessories.

Fashion Pass Plans:

There are three different Fashion Pass plans to choose from:

  • Socialite is the cheapest plan. It offers two clothing items and one accessory at a time, with unlimited rentals. Upon subscribing, you will need to pay $69 in the first month, followed by $79 from the next month onwards.
  • Trendsetter is the most popular subscription plan. It offers three clothing items and two accessories at a time, with unlimited rentals. Upon signing up, you will have to pay $99 in the first month, followed by $109 from the next month onwards.
  • Wanderlust is the costliest plan, offering four clothing items and three accessories at a time. You will have to pay $129 in the first month, followed by $139 from next month onwards.

Now you can easily rent clothes using Fashion Pass, and also save a lot of money. Although this service is only available in the US for now, hopefully it will soon be available for customers worldwide. In today’s world where new fashion trends are emerging almost every week, services like Fashion Pass are helping with making things with emerging styles and accessories. There are different payment services to choose from and also, you can try different clothing styles as well.

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